Tuesday, November 11, 2014

For the love of Roses

    I have fallen in love with The Rose
I seem to wake most mornings wondering which rose may have budded or opened its blooms for me today.
I adore their perfume and the delicate look of those petals.
I am in love with David Austin Roses and  I love carpet roses and the beautiful Banksia rose that grows beside my house. I am awfully fond of the nameless climbing rose under my kitchen window. Blue Moon is delightful and its fragrance is delicious! I have just planted Iceberg and beside her 3 more David Austins along the fence.
I dream of having enough of my own roses to be able to have vases filled with roses in every room of my home.
I fear I may be addicted but my, what a lovely addiction.

Lamarque is a beautifully fragrant rose

 This is the beautiful Windermere...... 
and below is Blue Moon.

 Won't you come into my garden, I would like my roses to meet you...

What a lovely thing a rose is....


  1. Your roses are so beautiful and I love following you on Instagram and your blog! Thank you for all the inspiration!

    1. Thank you so very much Teresa! It is much appreciated <3
