Friday, August 22, 2014

Spring is in the air

I have had a lovely week away spending time with my daughter Claire, her husband and my grandson. It was wonderful to play with him and give him lots of cuddles. He is a delightful little man. 

I have come home to my house and garden. It has rained for a week and everything looks alive and growing. There are bulbs coming out and my plum tree is flowering. 
I harvested some of my winter veggies. 
The Fruit trees are getting ready to bud. 

Oh my the baby chicks have grown so much in a week and Myrtle has started laying again.

I came home to the most beautiful gift from my daughter Sarah. It is a wonderful white Bird house with a rustic metal roof. My husband has fashioned it on to a post and we have found it a home in the garden. I have plans to plant a lovely garden bed around the base of it but we have positioned it under the Japanese Maple... 

I am excited for spring to arrive in full force.. it will be beautiful!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Home in the mountains

 I always love driving around our little neck of the woods...
It takes my breath away every single time I come up over the hill and see this vista..
I love the smell of the eucalyptus and the sound of the birds.
I love the look of the houses perched all over the hills. I love all the federation style houses here. 
I look out towards the horizon and see miles and miles of bushland and wilderness.. and I think to myself, this is my home.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Just last week we had snow! Oh I'm so excited to be living somewhere that snows on occasion!!
It makes me so happy. Now I don't need the snow to be knee deep or to stay for weeks or months but a little bit of snow is a rare gift here in Australia and a reason to celebrate!
So here my friends are some pics! Enjoy!